Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The next 3 posts will describe the mission, organization, and general details of sister organizations to Quantum Corps, within the larger umbrella of UNIFORCE.  No military or political organization exists in a vacuum (except perhaps Frontier Corps…sorry, a little late 21st century humor there).  The mission of Quantum Corps could not be achieved without the continuing help and support of these organizations.

The U.N. Frontier Corps is one such sister organization.  Frontier Corps exists to protect UN sanctioned facilities and people off-Earth, whether on or around the Moon, Mars or wherever humans have expanded to.  Frontier Corps protects UN people and facilities and also enforces UN mandates and laws. 

Frontier Corps is part of a larger organization under UNIFORCE called UNISPACE.  Just to put the overall organization into perspective, below I have reprised an earlier org chart showing the UNIFORCE organization, its component parts and I’ve circled the UNISPACE part.

 Now, as I’ve indicated Frontier Corps is one of several organizations under the UNISPACE umbrella.   
Frontier Corps operates under CINCSPACE authority along with several other commands.  Following is a brief description of each.

Orbit Command:  Responsible for protection efforts and mandate/law enforcement in facilities around low to high Earth Orbit, including Gateway Station, located at the Earth-Moon L2 point.

Lunar Command: Responsible for same on and around the Moon

Mars Command: Law and mandate enforcement on and around Mars.

Frontier Corps operates as a separate entity from these subordinate commands.  The Corps basically serves as sheriff and police department for the space lanes between the other commands’ areas of responsibility. 

One service provided by Frontier Corps is a Transport Service, not shown on the chart, but attached to the Inner Planets Detachment.  The Transport Service operates the huge cycler ships that travel between (usually) Earth, Venus and Mars on regular schedules, sort of like interplanetary bus lines.  The cyclers don’t stop anywhere (except for routine maintenance stops) so it’s up to the local authorities to send shuttles out to dock and exchange people and cargo. 

Sometimes, in stories of the Tales of the Quantum Corps, Frontier Corps cyclers and crews are coopted for duty elsewhere in the solar system.  Usually, this is because there is a ship in dock undergoing renovation or a ship readily available for other duties.

There has been talk of extending cycler operations toward Jupiter, but final schedules and resources haven’t been decided yet.

As you can see, Frontier Corps has two detachments, one for the Inner Planets, basically Earth-Moon, Mercury and Venus and a Jupiter Detachment, with offices for the Jupiter system and anything beyond that.  These Detachments and Offices are central points for mission assignment and control, resourcing the missions, law and mandate enforcement, including criminal and accident investigations, and anything else required to establish and maintain UN presence and control of human facilities, settlements, space lanes, and infrastructure in the specified area of responsibility.

As elements of the Old Ones approach our solar system and infiltrate and reconnoiter human space, we’ll see Frontier Corps working ever more closely with Quantum Corps to deal with this growing threat.

The next post will provide details about another sister organization: U.N. Boundary Patrol.  This is the organization that polices nanoscale threats below ground, in and among the tectonic plates of Earth’s crust.  Look for this post in July 2015.

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