2017 Post
(from “The
Archives of the United Nations Quantum Corps”)
and the Caloris Basin Facility”
Intelligence Briefing (NOFORN)
In the last post, we learned that Johnny Winger, in
his new disassembled swarm state, had achieved covert penetration of the Mother
Swarm of the Old Ones (i.e. the Coethi) and was working as an agent for Quantum
Corps’ Q2 to gather strategic intelligence on the nature of this threat.
Additional details have recently been received
through classified channels on the nature of the Caloris Basin facility, which
reconnaissance and close observation have shown to be under construction on the
surface of Mercury.
Here are some details that can now be revealed….
- The purpose of this base is to provide a staging ground for completing the Prime Key. See below: (Especially steps 2 and 4.)
The ultimate goal of
the Old Ones is for the entire universe to become one being.
What do the Old Ones
intend to do when their forward elements reach our solar system? In four words: Execute the Prime Key.
Re-configuration. Evolution. Integration.
Their first phase will
be to purge Earth of all non-Prime Key life forms…pretty much all life and
living systems. The preferred way would
be to disassemble all life forms into their constituent atoms and
molecules. This is a form of mass assimilation,
starting with deconstruction. This is the rationale behind Symborg and the
philosophy of Assimilationism, created, aided and abetted by Config Zero.
Once this purge is
finished, the next step would be to re-engineer the Earth’s surface to be more
compatible with swarm-based life...the oceans would be eliminated and all the
Earth’s surface ‘locked’ into a geologically stable state, providing maximum
surface area for swarm activity and growth.
Also, the stable point temperature of the Earth would be raised…an
enforced climatic change similar to what Humans have already been doing now on
the Earth, unwittingly helping the Old Ones along. This provides a consistent environment
conducive to swarm growth and activity.
The Earth becomes, in effect, an incubator or giant Petri dish, to
incubate this new kind of life.
Coincident with
geoengineering the Earth’s surface, new forms of life, initially similar to
early ANAD, similar to ancient virus entities, would be seeded and allowed to
evolve at the maximum permissible rate consistent with these environmental
changes. This will help bring Earth life
up to the development level of the Mother Swarm, in terms of architecture,
processing capability, memory, quantum comm links, and overall
programming. The final phase would
Integration. Re-evolved Earth life forms
would be fully absorbed into the Mother Swarm.
Once this process is done (and it may well take centuries), the Earth
and all planetary objects in the Solar System would be disassembled to provide feedstock
for the Mother Swarm, to continue its advance across the galaxy. In other words, the Petri dish will be
destroyed and the lab/incubator shut down.
The Imperative drives the Mother Swarm onward.
- The full output of the Sun is needed for Module 4, the Integration step. To facilitate gathering this energy, a ring-shaped collector will be built to orbit the Sun at approximately the distance of Mercury’s orbit (see September 2017 post). Construction materials will come from Mercury. Swarms will use this material as feedstock and assemble the Ring and also help position and keep it in place. Control and operation of this Sun Ring and storage of its gathered energy will be at Caloris Basin.
- Thus Caloris Basin has several key functions in executing the Prime Key: (1) overseeing and supporting construction of the Sun Ring (involving mining surface material with excavator bot swarms) and sending it into space for use in building the Sun Ring, using a form of mass driver; (2) control of Sun Ring operations, including maintenance and repair, Ring positioning and stability, energy collection and conversion; (3) transmission of converted energy to storage facilities on and under Mercury around Caloris Basin.
- Energy from the Sun Ring will be used by the Mother Swarm to facilitate disassembly of planets and moons throughout the solar system and re-configuration of disassembled elements into structures compatible with the mother swarm, i.e. to support the existence and operations of the Mother Swarm. Caloris Basin and the Sun Ring are critical parts of Prime Key Part 4 and that’s why Q2 agent Johnny Winger’s intelligence as an angel swarm inside the enemy swarm is so vital to defense.
- Here’s where the base is located, near the outer edge of the basin:Additional intelligence from this source will be provided in November as it becomes available and is declassified. Monitor all comm channels for updates.Phil B.
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