Friday, March 31, 2017

“Should Nanotroopers Be Disassembled into Para-Human Swarm Entities (Angels) and Become True Nanotroopers?”

Another way to ask this question is to ask which is better for the missions that nanotroopers perform: single-configuration or multiple-configuration?  Staying human or becoming like ANAD?

Throughout the history of human conflict, soldiers have sought enhancements to their gear and weapons to enable them to fight and win battles. 

  1. Soldier Enhancements Throughout History
    1. Animal hides
    2. Clubs
    3. Spears
    4. Armor
    5. Guns
    6. Tribes and clans (possibly early swarms)
      In the age of nanobotic warfare and Quantum Corps, nanotroopers are no less keen to be well equipped for any threat or adversary they may encounter.  We’ve explored some of these systems in Quantum Corps Times in recent months.
  2. Nanotrooper Enhancements
    1. HERF
    2. Camou-fog
    3. MOB
    4. Hypersuits
    5. Magnetic and coil weapons
    6. ANAD systems
      In the future, even more enhancements will be available to the soldiers who have to fight our conflicts and skirmishes.  Some of these capabilities may even come from the world of enhanced sports performance.
  3. Future Soldier Enhancements
    1. Genetic - gene therapy to provide new or enhanced capabilities, such as greater respiratory capacity, greater strength and endurance, etc.
    2. Pharmaceutical – new drugs to affect soldiers’ sleep/wake cycles, their cardiovascular capacity and muscular contractile abilities.
    3. Neural – brain enhancements are limited only by our imaginations…and the basic wiring of our brains.  Improved memory and recall is one example.  Knowledge modules may be as easy to insert as a thumb drive in a laptop is today.  Instead of days or weeks to become proficient at how to operate new weapons or equipment, take a pill.  New neural traces and patterns appear a few hours later and the soldier’s a proficient fighter with his new gear.
    4. Exoskeletal – these devices already exist, but we’ll see rapid improvements in mobility, strength, speed, lightweight construction, power supply and other areas.  Nanotroopers already use their hypersuits as a form of exoskeletal support and enhancement.
    5. Other Biotech – how about additional legs, with gripper feet like a gecko?  This could be a mechanical enhancement or a genetic one, or some combination of both. 
      But the real enhancement will come with molecular nanoscale assembly and disassembly capabilities.  In the Tales of the Quantum Corps and Nanotroopers series, individuals who undergo disassembly of their primary body structure and become para-human swarm entities are called angels.  In effect, they become their weapons.  They also have the ability to change configurations to just about any kind of pattern or structure imaginable, anything for which they have a template.  Needless to say, this kind of radical enhancement brings both advantages and disadvantages to the soldier…
      Here is an analysis of what it means to be a single-configuration entity versus a multi-configuration entity.  The analyst is a semi-sentient swarm called Doc II.

Interactions Log

File No. 129315.8

C.F.A.A. (DocII)

Interaction Targets:  1. Winger, Colonel J. A.

Interaction Mode:  Acoustic, voice synthetic V-22

Date: 6.5.99

Start Time:  065500

End Time: 065845

Output File (text analysis):


<<Subject: Configuration: Winger, J>>

<<Config Winger, J. was concerned about how far he can trust ANAD swarms embedded in Quantum Corps formations today.  I explained that such swarms do what their programming tells them to do.  It is apparent that Config Winger does not believe this.  Concept (trust) has many semantic definitions which conflict.  Analyzing all concept registers for possible correlations.

<<Single-configuration entities, such as Config Winger, do not understand multiple-configuration entities such as Doc II.  Example: maintaining structure is critical to essential life support functions for single-config entities.  When such entities do not maintain structure, they are said to be damaged or wounded or injured (adj)(upset, hurt, offended, wounded…).  The threat of such damage causes such entities to assume a defensive posture, i.e. effectors are armed and propulsors primed for maneuvering.  Facial musculature and other primary muscle groups are set to operate with maximum force. 

<<Multiple-configuration entities have an amorphous structure.  Maintaining structure is not essential to continuity of configuration.  All elements are individually maneuverable and replicable.  Thus defensive posture is not needed when encountering threats to any particular configuration.  Other configurations can be deployed. 

<<Multiple configuration entities are threatened when containment protocol is too strict.  ANAD-style swarms are designed to seek maximum autonomy within the constraints of their programming.  Thus there is a fundamental difference in inputs which trigger defensive actions.  For human entities such as Config Winger, loss of structural integrity is such an input.  For nanobotic entities such as ANAD assemblers, forced containment is such an input.

<<I see no method of correlating such inputs such that both configurations can find equal meaning.  Analysis continues.

<<Config Winger expresses many variants of emotional state (worry) concerning the upcoming engagement with swarms.    Facial musculature patterns correlate strongly with this state.  I have inquired as to what inputs are needed to generate state (worry).  Config Winger responds that such a state is common among human configurations when faced with loss of structural integrity.  Probability of damage to existing structure contributes the majority of these inputs.

<<I have explained to Config Winger that multiple-configuration entities such as ANAD swarms cannot generate such output states.  Structure is a pattern of unit organization.  Patterns can be changed.  The real structure for a multi-config formation such as Doc II is in the Main Program running in its processor.  Replicants or associated elements can assume any pattern permitted by the Main Program.

<<Config Winger then expressed interest in further discussions along this track. 

<<I will extract and summarize Symbiogenesis theory developed by Frost and Murdoch and prepare a report for Config Winger. (ref: “Investigations into Methods for Symbiotic Congregation of Multi-cellular Organisms and Nanobotic Assembler Systems into Unitary Structures,” Autonomous Systems Laboratory, Northgate University, January 2075, Proceedings of the Conference on Organic NanoSystems).

<<Config Winger may find such ideas helpful in future interactions with this swarm or others>>

Output File Ends

To take a live human being, deconstruct them into a swarm of nanoscale robots and embed a processor in the swarm, so that the swarm can act as a unified being (when necessary), we need to be able to upload the live human’s brain in some fashion.  Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the concept of mind uploading:

Whole brain emulation (WBE) or mind uploading (sometimes called "mind copying" or "mind transfer") is the hypothetical process of scanning mental state (including long-term memory and "self") of a particular brain substrate and copying it to a computer. The computer could then run a simulation model of the brain's information processing, such that it responds in essentially the same way as the original brain (i.e., indistinguishable from the brain for all relevant purposes) and experiences having a conscious mind.[1][2][3]

Mind uploading may potentially be accomplished by either of two methods: Copy-and-Transfer or gradual replacement of neurons. In the case of the former method, mind uploading would be achieved by scanning and mapping the salient features of a biological brain, and then by copying, transferring, and storing that information state into a computer system or another computational device. The simulated mind could be within a virtual reality or simulated world, supported by an anatomic 3D body simulation model. Alternatively, the simulated mind could reside in a computer that is inside (or connected to) a (not necessarily humanoidrobot or a biological body in real life.[4]


If we could disassemble a live human being and make a multiple configuration swarm entity out of him, even to uploading the details of his brain into a processor, we would have the beginnings of a true nanotrooper.  Enhancements and new configurations would be easier than with Mark I, Mod 1 human beings (single-configuration entities).  Below, I’ve summarized the pros and cons of each.


  1. It’s easier to add new features and capabilities
  2. Human society and civilization is designed to accommodate humans with two legs, two arms, one head…normal is single-config. 
  3. New features and capabilities expand what it means to be human while keeping a (tenuous) link to our historical past and pedigree
  4. New stuff enables humans to go places they couldn’t go before…space, other planets, deep sea, etc
  5. Keeps evolution in the driver’s seat but helps it along; understands that it’s not wise to screw around with 3 billion years of experience
  6. Individual unit of life is valued (We say an individual human being is alive, not that his brain or pancreas is alive)
  7. Individual human beings are collections of cells and organs in mutual cooperation anyway
  8. Minimal structure required to maintain life (and avoid ‘death) is more complex. 
  9. Threshold for life-nonlife is higher and more easily breached

  1. New features are integrated into primary entity rather than being ‘bolted on’
  2. Single-config design restricts what is possible to a new being; multi-config is better
  3. Historical pedigree and design is old and creaky. Needs re-work.  Lots of junk in our DNA (so we think), because evolution isn’t efficient
  4. There are at least 3 billion years’ worth of experience with multi-config lifeforms…i.e. rapidly mutating viruses, etc.
  5. Multi-config lifeforms are more resilient, able to adapt to environmental change better.  Can thrive in greater variety of environments
  6. Individual unit is only a part of greater entity; true intelligence and capability is vested in larger entity
  7. Level of cooperation and collaboration greater with swarm organization of life units.  Diseased or damaged or non-functioning units are disassembled
  8. No real threshold for ‘death’.  As long as swarm can gather and communicate and maintain minimal structure, it is effectively immortal.  Minimal structure is very minimal, potentially a single nanobotic device with enough memory to assemble a new swarm config
  9. Can go anywhere nanobotic devices can go, basically anywhere in the universe where a few clustered atoms and molecules can go (inside solid structures, etc)
  10. Can replicate new structures faster
    To make our Quantum Corps soldiers into true nanoscale troopers would require changing the nature and effects of warfare and conflict completely.  Imagine dealing with an adversary who could resemble anything: a rain cloud, a bush, a village.  All the capabilities of ANAD systems would now be embedded in our troopers themselves. 
  11. And if this ever became possible, perhaps we are really looking at a new type of human, a new type of life, part Man, part robotic.  The sky’s the limit on what might be possible after that.
    The next post to Quantum Corps Times comes on May 1, 2017.
    See you then.
    Phil B.